Hi, welcome to my personal website! This is where put all my things on the web. I personally design, build, and maintain everything that appears on this site. (why?)
About me:My name is Owen; on the internet I'm also o-n, and in the past O2C.
As of March 2025, I am a student living in Florida.
As of March 2025, I am a student living in Florida.
Other places:
You can contact me through any of those places, email owencompher at outlook.com (PGP), or xmpp o@o-nc.me
Where to go from here?
visit other indiewebsites from my links page
check out my web dev project origami
rifle though my personal belongings at files.owencompher.me
check out my web dev project origami
rifle though my personal belongings at files.owencompher.me
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<== bucket webring ==>
<== indieWeb webring ==>